Monday, February 5, 2007

Happy BIRTHDAY DAD ...61

Happy Birthday Dad, like Matt said below...your birthday present is the pleasent weather you are having in Texas. And also the fact that you will soon be taking all my Taxes by enrolling in Medicare. You can be one of those grumpy old guys at the pharmacy that are mad because their prescription rose from $5.50 to $6 and want me to call the insurance to see the reason for this when I know because of the last 10 times I called that their deductible went up with the first of the year and that letter you got in the mail and didn't read because you are too busy drinking prune juice would have told you that so then I would not have to call. And then after you tell them that they talk about the weather and bug you for 15 minutes so you can't catch up from being behind due to you having to call insurance...actually don't be one of those guys. Maybe when you get back we can have a birthday celebration for you. I hope you and Mom are enjoying your vacation. Talk later
Peter and Megan

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