I have taken it upon myself to begin the horn quest towards modernity by means of creating this wonderful new family blog. It dawned upon me the other day that very few of you really know what is happening in my life and likewise I know very little concerning your lives. As a result, I was trying to think of ways in which we could stay connected and listen to eachother's stories without having to write letters and whatnot. The result: a new family blog where we can put out thoughts, plan things, and let eachother in on what is happening in our lives. We can post pictures, write stories, and be creative (for I know how incredibly creative our family is:) Here is an example:
I have to come up with a decision relatively soon concerning what I want to do next year with school. I have a professor who is encouraging me to pursue doctorate work through him, but then I would have to learn German, get really good at greek, spend another three years in school, rack up more debt, etc. Yet on the other hand, it is something that I really could enjoy and I think it fits my strengths. I like school, but do I like it that much?
I could go on, but you get the point. You wouldn't know that that was going on in my life if we didn't have this wonderful blog. On top of that, I can post wonderful "ghetto" minneapolis pictures, while others can post beautiful dog pictures, and still others will be able to post first-day-of-school pictures. Are you sold on it yet? Feel free to post to the best of your technological abilities, matt
PS- Enjoy the Christmas pictures.
Thanks so much, Matt - If I can figure it out, I think this will be great fun, and a great way to keep in touch. And the pictures from Christmas bring back very good memories. I love the one of your dad with the remote (and I DO appreciate that remote!) (and appreciate your dad too!)(and you, too)
Finally a remote that your mom can find and use. dad
Finally a remote that your mom can find and use. dad
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