Monday, January 15, 2007


Well usually mondays are no fun- However, for Megan, who had the day off, it was a fun-day! She did some shopping at the outlet malls, while Pete worked like always. The great finds for the day were: a new black dress coat, another pair of cute shoes (not that she needs anymore), and new socks. Tonights evening consisted of frozen pizza and tv. Pretty typical of most week nights. The rest of the week looks pretty uneventful also. We are trying to kick into gear by working out more this week and laying off the monster cookies that Megan baked for Peter (Mom's (judy) still are the best). Peter has had some trouble with eating too many cookies as you can imagine. He ate a few for breakfast, a few for snack and lunch, and then of course, the midnight snack. Lets just call him the "cookie monster." Well, thats it for now. Pete and Meg signing off.......


Horn/Bosma Family Blog said...

This picture restores my faith in you as a couple :>) Shopping sounds great - and it's my goal for someday this week. But, alas, work calls most of the time...on the other hand, I guess that's what pays for the shopping so we should count our blessings!

Horn/Bosma Family Blog said...

though you use the name "cookie monster" to describe pete, i think a more apt name would be "tubby". megan, you could call him your "tubby hubby". your thoughts?

Horn/Bosma Family Blog said...

I don't think we should use the term "tubby" in this family. I'd say we're just well-rounded. Or "solid citizens". Or "well-built". But just remember - summer's coming and then we can all step up our exercise...that will be good. Mom