Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blogger Mama

OK, I'm not at all sure what buttons I'm to push here, and who knows if these words will end up afloat in cyberspace, never to be retrieved, so I won't write anything too lavish at this point. This is just a trial...kind of like you kids are sometimes (just kidding!)...but I will say, that having you kids always pushes me one step beyond! Now - even though I'm just a gracefully aging matron who would be perfectly satisfied to sit and read a book, do a crossword puzzle, or crochet - now I'm going to learn to blog (whatever that is!)I'll do my best --- and, Matt, thanks (I think) for setting this up. We'll see where it goes...

1 comment:

Horn/Bosma Family Blog said...

It's half way to Cybr Labs