Monday, January 15, 2007


Hmmm - First I had to think about Peter standing next to that attractive young lady with the pears on her chest (at least that's how Anna described her), and then I saw a picture of Peter that made me wonder why anyone would stand by him (but I'm so glad for you, Megan - you must be judging Peter by his inner qualities rather than his outward appearance...) Then three was green-eyed Toby - a little weird. And next I had to be concerned about Matt sprawled on the ice, and now I seeThomas high in a tree! I'm wondering if these pictures are a good idea??? But at least there was the sweet one of Anna, and also "Matt and friends"... so they do add a bit of spice to the blog. I'm hoping the next time someone's home you can show me how to add pics...could I even transfer them from e-mails into the blog? And, Abby - how about some house pics/kitchen pics for those that haven't been to SF to see it in person? just an idea... Hope you're all having a good evening. Mom

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